Monday 16 March 2015

Fragrant Chicken,Coriander,Coconut curry

Fragrant Chicken,Coriander,Coconut curry



Chicken                                                                                    6-8 pieces

Coconut milk                                                                                2 cups
Coriander                                                                                   A Bunch

Ginger                                                                                     A small piece
Green chillies                                                                                3-4
Garlic                                                                                    6 cloves (large)

Onion                                                                                     1 (medium)
Cinnamon                                                                                1 big piece
Cloves                                                                                             3

Coriander powder                                                                  1& 1/2 tsp
Cumin powder                                                                       1 & 1/2 tsp
Garam masala powder                                                                1 tsp
Pepper powder                                                                     1 & 1/2 tsp

Tamarind paste                                                                            1 tsp

Oil                                                                                              3 tbsp
Salt                                                                                          To taste 


Wash and clean the chicken ( thighs or drumsticks or you can also use big boneless pieces with drumsticks).

Heat oil and brown the chicken pieces well (spread some salt over it) on both sides.

By the time wash and clean the coriander leaves and stalks . Grind it with coconut milk ( i have used 3/4 coconut ).

I used the thick coconut milk and thin milk for 2 cups . You can make it with 2 cups of thick coconut milk too.

Make a paste of ginger, garlic and green chillies.

Now remove the brown chicken from the oil. 

In the same oil, add cinnamon, cloves and onion. Saute it well till the onions become golden brown.

Add the ginger-garlic-green chillies paste to it and cook till most of the liquid is evaporated.

Add the chicken, masala powders, mix it well. Now add the coconut paste, salt, cover with a lid  and allow it to boil for 35-40 minutes till the chicken is cooked well. Remove the lid halfway through cooking so the sauce can thicken. 

When the chicken is cooked, add the tamarind paste. If the gravy is too thick, add 1/4 cup of water.Remove it from flame.

Garnish it with coriander leaves.  

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